Monday, February 14, 2011

Post the Second

Food provides fuel for us.
I enjoy providing this necessary physical fuel.
I am passionate about providing the mental/emotional fuel.

It all ends up in the toilet...what is it about the journey that evokes so much?

Grown on a farm
Bought in a market
Cooked with love
Eaten with...

I strive to make eating food an experience that uses as many senses as posible.
Balancing components and elements, piecemeal and as a whole plate/tasting/menu.

What is subjective?

Eyes: are drawn to...contrasting colors, height differences, variations in shape.
Shades of one color pulling your eye around the plate, uniformity of shape and height.

The nose: aroma is experienced before, during, and after mastication.
Enhancing...shaping the flavor profile, making you salivate, anticipate.
The subtle/blunt counterpoint to...

Taste: the tongue, though hard to spell is useful for more than shaping sounds and taunting.
Sour-sweet-salty-bitter and the newcomer umami, but what of metallic? Surely there are others that exist.

Texture/Mouthfeel: soft, crunchy, oily, creamy...on this I will defer to Wikipedia...go read it, I will wait.
See, it was short and interesting. Balance is key, variations on a theme, degrees or contrasts.

But did not include...
Temperature: the hot with the not, flavors fade and peak at different temperatures. Cold things need more salt, more sugar. Aromas are volatile... released at just the right moment/temperature...then fade, gone. A memory now complete.

What did it mean to you?
Where did it get stored?
How did you file it?


  1. compost (food in the toilet) is great stuff...
    but you are picking at food as experience, even as art..
    Food is fuel and art is wall covering. But there is more to both.

    I'm looking forward to exploring this with you.

  2. Given that it is such an emotional, cultural and social experience the line between objective and subjective is interesting to consider. There is definitely a science to cooking and of course to the process of eating, but our emotions certainly complicate things, from taste preferences to the fruit we demand regardless of the season.
